Shimla: Speaking loudly can also help spread coronavirus, said Himachal Pradesh Assembly Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar on Tuesday as he asked the legislators to strictly abide by the COVID-19 protocol, especially during the session.
On Monday, the BJP's Indora MLA Reeta Devi tested positive for the viral disease.
According to the legislator, she attended the Assembly session before her COVID-19 test was conducted on Monday evening, but maintained physical distance from other legislators in the Assembly complex.
At the beginning of the Assembly session on the second day, Parmar said, "As per standard operating procedure, speaking loudly could also help spread the virus. So, talk in a normal way to check spread of novel coronavirus."
At this, the legislators burst into laughter and several MLAs spoke loudly while participating in the discussion on the adjournment motion moved by the Leader of Opposition on Monday.
Meanwhile, the Speaker welcomed back the BJP's Doon MLA Paramjeet Singh Pammi, who joined the session on Tuesday after recovering from COVID-19. He had tested positive for the viral infection on August 17.