Shimla (Himachal Pradesh): The security has been tightened ahead of Independence Day for key politicians in Himachal Pradesh after a threat from a pro-Khalistan outfit that it won't allow them to hoist the Tricolour, said CM Jai Ram Thakur on Tuesday. Addressing the state Assembly, Thakur also urged residents to unfurl the national flag atop their homes on Independence Day.
The threat was made through a pre-recorded phone call to a majority of Shimla-based journalists on July 30. In a similar call on Monday, it was said that BJP chief J P Nadda won't be allowed to unfurl the flag.
The caller identified himself as Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the general counsel for the Sikhs for Justice (SFJ). After question hour on the second day of the monsoon session, the CM said there is no need to get scared and required steps are being taken. The security of the CM, BJP chief and the state governor has been beefed up, Thakur said, adding that they are ready to "sacrifice their lives for the Tricolour".
Every Himachal Pradesh resident should hoist a Tricolour atop his home on Independence Day, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said. Thakur said several journalists and other residents initially got pre-recorded threat calls on July 30, threatening that he will not be allowed to hoist the Tricolour.
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