New Delhi:All preparations have been completed for the inauguration of the Atal Tunnel, the world's longest highway tunnel, on October 3, said Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jairam Thakur on Friday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate the tunnel in Rohtang on October 3, at 10 am.
"We have made all preparations and we are waiting for the Prime Minister. Defence Minister will arrive here today and Prime Minister will arrive tomorrow. It's a moment of joy for the people of Himachal Pradesh. This is a historical moment," Thakur told ETV Bharat.
The Chief Minister said that the tunnel holds great significance in the light of the situation with neighbouring countries and added that it is not only significant from a national security point of view but will also be very helpful for the commute of the people.
"Around 200 people will be present at the event. Prime Minister is sending out a message that how close Himachal is to his heart. He is appearing physically for a development project after seven months," Thakur said.
"We wanted to have a huge inauguration event. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only a small event is being organised. The tunnel will also send a strong message from a border security point of view," he added.