Shimla: In a unique turn of events, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu has adopted a new technique to promote tourism in the state, which incurred huge losses due to the floods. The CM requested tourists on Monday to follow rules and regulations and announced that drunk tourists would be dropped by police at the hotels instead of being imprisoned. The announcement comes amid thousands of tourists flocking to Himachal Pradesh to celebrate Christmas and New Year.
"We want to promote tourism in the state. We have opened eating joints, dhabas and restaurants that will function round-the-clock, starting from December 20 to January 5. So that the tourists do not face any problems," the CM said. The CM offered concessions for the 30,000 tourists, who visited the state at the inauguration ceremony of the Winter Carnival in Shimla. His statement has started trending on social media and created a buzz within minutes.