Shimla: With the Leader of the Opposition in the outgoing Assembly in Mukesh Agnihotri being sworn in as the Deputy Chief Minister on Sunday, Himachal Pradesh received its first Deputy Chief Minister. A former journalist, Agnihotri is a five-time MLA from Haroli in Una district and has earned the reputation of a firebrand leader known for his scathing attacks on the BJP. He is also known to be a good orator.
The 60-year-old journalist turned politician, was one of the leading candidates for the Chief Minister's post, but the Congress leadership selected Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu as for the top post in the State as he has the support of most of the MLAs.
However, Agnihotri needed to be accommodated as he is one of the key Brahmin faces of the party and Congress is keen on maintaining the support of the community. He belongs to a Congress family and his father Onkar Sharmawon from the erstwhile Santokgarh (now Haroli) following his retirement from the post of district public relations officer (DPRO).
Agnihotri, who holds a PG Diploma in Public Relations and Advertisement started his career in journalism and later joined politics. Considered to be close to Congress stalwart and former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Virbhadra Singh, Agnihotri also served as the Industry Minister in Singh's cabinet.