Chamba (Himachal Pradesh) : In the aftermath of the Manohar Lal murder case, the police have registered a case against 14 people for burning down the house of the murder accused. As the protesters have been creating law and order situations, the Chamba police are initiating stringent measures to control the mob.
The situation remained volatile ever since June 9, when Manohar Lal's dead body was found chopped to pieces. It was widely reported that there was a love angle with a Muslim girl that led to the murder. But the BJP leaders demanded the handing over of the case to the NIA since the murder accused had 'links' with terrorists and they had also exchanged Rs 95 lakhs worth of notes during demonetisation.
After the murder, various organizations held protest demonstrations. First, they gheraoed the Kihar police station. After that, the uncontrollable mob marched ahead towards Sangni and set the house of the accused on fire. Due to this much of the evidence relating to the murder also got burnt in this fire.