Una(Himachal Pradesh): Himachal Pradesh: Four children including three siblings were burnt alive late on Wednesday night after two shanties caught fire in the Amb sub-division of Una district, police sources said. The incident took place in the 'Bane di Hatti' area. Police said that the affected families are from Bihar's Darbhanga district.
According to police sources three of the deceased have been identified as the children of Ramesh Das namely Neetu Kumari (14), Golu Kumar (7), and Shivam Kumar (6). They also said that another deceased Sonu Kumar (17) the son of Ramesh's relative Kalidas was sleeping with them. Both Ramesh and Kalidas are migrant workers.
" Four children died as two slums caught fire in the Amb sub-division of Una district. The bodies have been sent for post-mortem to the regional hospital in Una. A case has been registered and an investigation is going on," SP Una Arjit Sen Thakur said.