Shimla: Two elderly women in the Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh, have been making masks and distributing it for free so as to help people fight the coronavirus pandemic, a source said.
"Lajwanti, who is about 80 years old and Satyadevi who is 72 years have become an example for people who find excuses and problems when faced with a hardship. These old women have been taking challenges at this age and doing their best to stitch as many masks as possible," a member of Mahila Mandal Samiti said.
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She further added "both of them use cloths that we tend to throw away and they put in all the efforts to make a perfect mask out of it."
"I have never seen such kind of infection throughout my life. It's so heart wrenching to see that so many people are getting infected due to their negligence. We thought of contributing something towards society and hence started distributing hand-made masks for free, we have distributed 1,000 masks so far" the 80 year-old woman said.
Local sources say, this initiative by two elderly women has inspired thousands of people across the state to battle coronavirus on an individual level.