Answering a question asked by Congress MLA from Rampur, Nand Lal, during question hour in the ongoing budget session, the Chief Minister lost his temper when Agnihotri said, "JMP is not a new concept, such type of programme with 'Prashashan Janata Ke Dwar' name was also held during the Virbhadra Singh-led Congress government."
At this, the chief minister, who is known for handling situations with calm, lost his temper and addressing Deputy Speaker Hans Raj, who was in chair in the absence of speaker Rajiv Bindal, said, "No member can intervene like this. You have provided me time to speak and no member can intervene time and again like this."
While this was ensuing, Nand Lal said something, reacting to which, the chief minister asked him to sit down.
Thakur said no programme similar to JMP had been launched by any other government.
"I can say with full conviction that no scheme like Jan Manch Programmes had been launched by any government in Himachal Pradesh. It is the BJP government which has launched this programme. I can understand the worry of the opposition as this programme is a big success and the announcement has been made to hold these JMPs at district level as well. That is why the opposition is worried," he said.