Shimla: In a bizzare development, a scooty registration number in Himachal Pradesh capital has received bid worth over Rs 1 crore, officials said. To add to the surprise, the official informed that as might be expected, this number is not for any luxury car but for a two-wheeler.
The number HP 999999 is for a scooty barely worth Rs 1 lakh according to current market rate. The bids for the scooty registration number have however been received in Kotkhai area of Shimla district. So far, 26 people have shown interest for bagging the number. The last date for the bids is on Friday February 17.
The Himachal government's Registration & Licensing Authority conducts the online bids in a bid to generate the revenue for the department. Besides the said number 999999, the numbers HP HP 990009, HP 990005, HP 990003 are also categorized as VIP numbers in Himachal for which bids worth Rs 21 lakh, 20 lakh and 10 lakh respectively have been made in the past.