Shimla: The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, on Wednesday, arrested a man from Kullu in connection with a drugs smuggling case. After getting the transit remand from the Kullu court, the DRI team took the accused-a resident of Uttar Pradesh-to Mumbai for further interrogation.
SP, Kullu, Gurdev Sharma stated "Some members of DRI team came to Shimla on Tuesday and arrested a person from Kullu on Wednesday. He was taken to Mumbai on Thursday. The team carried out this operation with the help of the Kullu police. The accused is a resident of UP."
This is the third arrest from Shimla and Kullu in the past three days in connection with the smuggling case.
Earlier on Tuesday, some members of DRI team had arrested two Afghan nationals from a private hotel in Chhota Shimla in connection with the investigation related to seized consignment of heroin from the Mundra port in Gujarat. The recovered heroin worth Rs 9,000 crore. It is believed that both the accused have major involvement in transporting a large consignment of heroin to India.