Shimla: The Sukhwinder Sukhu-led Congress government in Himachal Pradesh has decided to close 200 educational institutions in the state that were opened or upgraded during the previous BJP government owing to negligible admission at the institutions, officials said. According to officials, the decision to close the educational institutions, 90 per cent of which are schools, was taken at the Cabinet meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on Friday. The education department has been asked to implement the decision of the Cabinet.
Mushrooming of educational institutions during the BJP government: It is learnt that the previous Jairam Thakur BJP government had opened or upgraded an excessive number of schools and colleges in the state. As per officials, in 2022, during the election year, around 386 educational institutions, including 23 colleges, were upgraded or new ones were opened by the Jairam government. Out of 23 colleges, 18 colleges recorded negligible admission thereby upsetting the pupil-teacher ratio as per officials adding the 18 colleges will be closed.
Also read:Himachal Pradesh cabinet nod to implementation of Old Pension Scheme from April 1
No admission at 49 Primary Schools: During the previous Jairam government, out of the newly created 386 educational institutions, 49 primary schools were also established “on public demand”. The schools, which were initially accommodated in panchayat buildings, too, have been closed after zero admissions, officials said.