Shimla: BJP leader and former minister Suresh Bhardwaj on Saturday held "jihadi mentality" and provoking statements of Himachal Pradesh chief minister Sukhwinder Sukhu responsible for incidents like the Chambal murder case. Tension has ensued in Chamba's Salooni subdivision after Manohar Lal (21) was brutally killed over "love jihad" and his chopped body parts were dumped in the stream in here last week.
Incidents like Chamba murder case are bound to raise questions on the state's law and order. "Not only is criminal tendency prevailing in the state, but efforts are on to create anarchy here. The "jihadi mentality" of minority community is responsible for these incidents. Chamba is not a lone case, similar incidents of "love jihad" are occurring in other parts of the state as well," he said.
Holding the chief minister responsible for the present situation, Bharadwaj said that Sukhu has often said that in a state with 97 per cent Hindu population, his party has won by defeating the party of Hindus. Such provoking statements trigger incidents like Chamba, he said. Also, he demanded a National investigation Agency (NIA) probe into the Chambal murder case.