Shimla: As the counting of votes ended in Himachal Pradesh, Dhaniram Shandil is the oldest, while Chaitanya Sharma is the youngest candidate. An 82-year-old sitting MLA Dhaniram Shandil, who contested from the Solan seat on a Congress ticket, won the poll yet again. He got a total of 29,523 votes. He has defeated the BJP candidate and his son-in-law, Rajesh Kashyap, for the second time in a row. Shandil served in the Indian Army from 1962 to 1996. In 1994, he won the Lok Sabha elections on behalf of the Himachal Vikas Congress Party and in 2004, he won the Lok Sabha elections on a Congress ticket.
Also read:Despite the snow, Himachal voters gung-ho over exercising franchise