Shimla/Bilaspur: Following the BJP's spectacular victory in the assembly elections of three states, BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda will be on a visit to his home state Himachal Pradesh from Friday Dec 15 to Dec 17 to participate in the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, a party leader said. In a statement issued on Thursday, Himachal Pradesh State BJP chief Rajeev Bindal said that Nadda will reach his village Vijaypur, in Bilaspur where he will stay the night.
Bindal said that Nadda will participate in Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, road shows and other programs as well meet the party workers in the state. According to Bindal, a felicitation programme will be held for Nadda in Bilaspur on the morning of Saturday 16th December after the recent state elections victories. Later the BJP President will reach Sundernagar by road where party worker will welcome him for a road show.
On Saturday afternoon, BJP National President will inaugurate the newly constructed BJP office of Sundernagar and then address the workers there. Later, he will reach Mandi and will participate in BJP's Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra at around 5 pm and will connect with PM Modi through videoconferencing. After this, JP Nadda is scheduled to go to Kullu, where after the night stay, he will leave for Delhi on Sunday 17th December, sources said.