Shimla (Himachal Pradesh):Torrential rain accompanied by landslides was wreaking havoc in various parts of Himachal Pradesh. Tourists stranded in different places in the state were successfully evacuated and sent home. At least 70,000 tourists stuck at various places in the state were rescued and sent to their respective states safely, said Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu.
Nearly, 500 tourists have been staying in the state voluntarily. To whom food and other essential items are being provided to them. Furthermore, the Chief Minister said that the rescue operation was carried out on a large scale, keeping in mind the safety of tourists. The rescue operation was completed successfully. Besides, 15,000 vehicles, which were stranded due to damaged roads or landslides, were also sent to their destinations. On the other hand, electricity and water supply as well as mobile services were restored partially in 80 per cent of the disaster-affected areas.