Chandigarh: Farmers, after a failed meeting with the central ministers on Tuesday, have intensified their protest even as the police stepped up security with thousands blocking key gateways into the capital city for the seventh day of the ongoing agitation against the new farm laws.
The protest at the Delhi-Haryana border also led to the closure of key routes connecting the national capital with the state.
Same was the case at other entry points of the capital city with the Chilla border on Noida link road closed for traffic due to farmers' protests.
Police have kept the Haryana-Delhi border at Singhu and Tikri closed for traffic. Two more border points connecting the capital city with Gurgaon and Jhajjar-Bahadurgarh were also closed as precautionary measures.
With this, five border points, including Singhu and Tikri, have so far been closed due to the protest.