New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday refused to entertain a plea of Haryana Congress leader Pankaj Punia, who was arrested by Haryana police for allegedly "hurting religious feelings" through a social media post, that other FIRs against him for the same post in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh be quashed.
A bench comprising Justices Arun Mishra, S A Nazeer and Indira Banerjee did not agree to the submission of senior advocate Sanjay Hegde, appearing for Punia, that the FIRs lodged in UP and MP be quashed as the person is already facing criminal probe for the same alleged offence.
We are not inclined to entertain this petition filed under Article 32 (right to move the Supreme Court) of the Constitution of India. The writ petition is, accordingly, dismissed, the bench said in its order.
The top court, however, granted the liberty to Punia to move the concerned High Courts for quashing of other FIRs.
The lawyer said that besides the FIR lodged at Karnal in Harayna, other similar FIRs have been lodged against the leader at Noida and Lucknow in UP and a place in MP.
Earlier,Punia was arrested by police in Karnal for allegedly "hurting religious feelings" through a social media post.