Chandigarh:The Haryana Police Saturday said a red notice has been issued against Himanshu alias Bhau, a most wanted criminal allegedly involved in cases of murder, attempt to murder, forgery, and extortion.
The red notice, which allows the arrest and detention of a fugitive abroad, has been issued by Interpol, said a police spokesperson. According to the spokesperson, the Rohtak Police secured the red notice working under the guidance of Superintendent of Police Himanshu Garg.
Himanshu alias Bhau is absconding from India and living abroad. He carries a reward of Rs 1.55 lakh announced by the Haryana Police on his arrest. The accused is on the list of most wanted criminals of Rohtak, Jhajjar, and Delhi Police. Arrest warrants against him have been issued by the Rohtak and Delhi courts. A look-out circular has also been issued to locate the fugitive.