Sirsa (Haryana): The Punjab and Haryana High Court continues to stay the CBI court's verdict in the Ranjit Singh murder case. On Friday in a hearing related to the petitioner Jagseer Singh's (Ranjit Singh's son) appeal to change the judge or the CBI Court, the High Court sought information from the CBI about the presiding judge and the public prosecutor appointed by the agency. The CBI has filed its reply before the High Court. The next hearing in this matter will be on September 2.
Ranjit Singh was the manager of Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa. In this case, Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim is accused of plotting the murder and the CBI court proceedings are also completed. The CBI court was ready to pronounce its verdict on August 26 but the Punjab and Haryana High Court put a stay till August 27. The next hearing, in this case, is scheduled for September 2.
Also Read:CBI court defers its judgement in Ranjeet Singh murder case
Why Punjab and Haryana High Court put a stay:
Ranjit Singh's son Jagseer Singh moved Punjab and Haryana High Court. He filed a petition to move the case to any other CBI court in Haryana, Punjab or Chandigarh. The petitioner had alleged that KP Singh, the public prosecutor for the CBI court at Panchkula has a fiduciary relationship with the presiding officer of the court. Following this, the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Tuesday put a stay on the CBI Court Panchkula from announcing their verdict on the case.