Chandigarh: Ahead of the no-confidence vote against Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar in Haryana, senior Jananayak Janata Party (JJP) MLA Devender Singh Babli on Tuesday urged his party to withdraw support to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government over farmers' issues.
"The situation is such that we (JJP) should now leave the government because people are unhappy with us. People don't let us enter their villages. I urge the chief minister and deputy chief minister to hold events in villages...or any other MLA to do it...people will beat us with sticks. We will need to get iron armour and helmets to protect ourselves," Babli said.
Read:Haryana sets up panel for law on 'love jihad'
"If with my vote alone, the government falls then I'll do it today itself. What message will go out? The whole party should take a stand," Babli added.
His comments come hours after the JJP and BJP issued a whip to its MLAs to remain present in the House on Wednesday and "support the stand of the government against the no-confidence motion".