Chandigarh: In a disturbing turn of events, objectionable photos of school students have surfaced on Snapchat, allegedly manipulated through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The local police force, on Thursday, revealed that the photos were believed to have been downloaded from the school's official website and subsequently altered using AI technology.
The incident came to light when concerned parents of one of the students filed a complaint with the police, leading to the registration of a First Information Report (FIR) at Sector-11 police station. The FIR, registered under the Information Technology (IT) Act and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, targets an unidentified individual involved in the distribution of these objectionable images. To delve deeper into this alarming case, the investigation has been entrusted to the cyber cell division of the police force.
In response to the crisis, the Chandigarh Police Cyber Cell took immediate action to remove the Snapchat ID involved from the internet, preventing further dissemination of the images. However, the school administration has yet to issue a formal statement addressing the incident.