Rewari (Haryana):The Haryana police on Tuesday nabbed a man and booked him for allegedly raping his 18-year-old daughter for three years here in Haryana's Rewari. The victim, who was heading to the examination centre for her 12th-grade examination, changed her mind and reached the police station to lodge a complaint against her father. The accused was immediately arrested and was booked under the POSCO Act whereas the victim was sent for medical examination,police sources said.
They further revealed that the victim, in the complaint, alleged that her father has been raping her for three years and has also threatened to chop off her hands and legs if she reveals his deeds to anyone. She further alleged that her mother was also aware of her husband's criminal activity but she never protested against it. The accused and the victim's mother have been booked under sections 120B, 344, 376 (2) 506 and POCSO Act. A police official said that the accused will be produced in the court for trial soon.