Yamunanagar:In a tragic news, a leopard cub was crushed to death by an unknown vehicle in Haryana's Yamunanagar on Thursday, official sources. The alleged hit and run incident has led to fear among the locals, who claimed that the female leopard was also with the cub at the time of the accident and she might now attack the locals in rage.
Sources said that the accident happened near Manbharawala village Yamunanagar. It is learnt that the cub was crossing the on Deodhar Budhia Road when it was hit by an unknown vehicle leading to its on the spot death. Soon after the accident, locals immediately informed the team of Wildlife Department about it after which a team of officials reached the spot to probe the case.
As soon as the information was received, the forest department team reached the spot and started action by taking possession of the dead body of the leopard cub. The villagers claimed that the cub's mother was also present when the accident took place. There is fear among the villagers that the mother leopard might attack the villagers.
Wildlife Department Inspector Jaswinder Nehra said that the post-mortem of the cub will be conducted under the supervision of doctors after which the real cause of death will be known. He said that the area where the accident rarely witnesses presence of leopards. According to the investigating officer, the CCTV installed around the incident spot is being checked to zero in on the vehicle and its driver.
Also read:
- Leopard beaten to death with sticks, third in a week in UP
- Watch: 3 leopard cubs including a rare black one found in Mysore
- Leopard suspected to have killed girl in Tirumala captured; more big cats spotted roaming