Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar was taken to a Shimla hospital for a health check-up on Saturday after he did not have a proper sleep in the night, doctors said.
Khattar, who is on a visit to Shimla, underwent some tests at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital and all reports were fine, they said.
"There is no problem,” Khattar told reporters after coming out from the hospital.
Asked how he was feeling and if there was any respiratory distress, Khattar said, “I am completely alright."
Khattar had contracted COVID-19 infection in August and was admitted to Medanta hospital in Gurugram for over two weeks after recovering from the disease. IGMC''s Principal Dr Rajnish Pathania told PTI that "the Haryana CM had some problems in getting sleep during the night and as a precautionary measure he was brought for a routine check-up. All tests, including blood, echo, X-ray etc, were done and all reports are alright”.