Chandigarh: Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij on Monday indicated that if the situation demanded curbs could be reimposed on the state's borders, reopened in line with Centre's fresh guidelines on exiting coronavirus lockdown.
Vij said that the situation at the borders will be assessed daily.
"The Centre has said there shall be no restriction on interstate and intrastate movement of persons and goods. At the same time, they have given the states the right to make their own assessment of the situation and take action based on that," Vij told reporters.
"We will assess the situation daily. If the need is felt, we have the right to take action and we will take it," said Vij, who also holds the health department portfolio.
The Haryana government had on Sunday issued fresh guidelines for the next phase of lockdown and decided to open its interstate borders, including those with Delhi from June 1 and places of worship, hotels and malls from June 8.
Seeking to follow the Centre's guidelines for the next phase of lockdown, starting June 1, the state government also decided to allow interstate movement of people and goods.
Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar held a meeting with some of his senior ministers including Vij and officials on late Sunday evening and took a call on the Centre's fresh lockdown guidelines, termed as Unlock 1.0'.
It was decided in the meeting that there will be no restriction on interstate and interdistrict movements of people and goods, a state government statement had said after the three-hour meeting.
Vij had justified the earlier sealing of the borders with the national capital, saying coronavirus cases in Haryana would have been at par with Delhi had they not taken the step.