Hisar:Azad Nagar Police, on Tuesday, have registered a rape case against a man who allegedly kidnapped and raped a-26-year-old Dalit girl multiple times in captivity. The girl was raped by the same man when she was in class nine and the case is still pending trial in a lower court in the district.
According to the victim, she was kidnapped by the accused Ashok who is also from Hisar when she came to attend the rape case trial.
"He took me to their relative's house where he kept me locked. Although, I am married. He would promise me that he would marry me and kept raping me repeatedly. He would beat me every time when I resist," Police quoted the girl as alleging in her complaint.
Police said the girl has filed a case against Ashok in June 2019. She got married after filing a complaint. She has moved elsewhere with her husband and had returned to Hisar to testify in the rape case in February 2021.