Chandigarh: The Haryana government on Monday made the wearing of a face mask mandatory in four districts falling in the National Capital region. Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij said in view of the rise in Covid cases over the past a few days in Gurugram, the wearing of a mask has been made compulsory there and three other districts of Faridabad, Sonipat and Jhajjar. Of 234 cases reported in Haryana on Monday, 198 surfaced in Gurugram alone while 21 were from Faridabad, he said.
"But in more than half of the districts, cases are nil or very less," Vij told reporters here. Vij said a team led by Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Rajeev Arora has been asked to study why cases are increasing in Gurugram. Its report is yet to come, he said. "However, as a precautionary measure in the districts which lie close to the national capital, we have made the wearing of a mask compulsory," he said. The wearing of masks will be mandatory with immediate effect. Those not wearing a mask will be fined, he said.