Chandigarh:Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday said his government is providing benefits of welfare schemes to the marginalised, poor, and needy sections in a transparent manner. "The government's main objective is to ensure that those who are entitled to get benefits of the welfare scheme will receive their deserving rights. No one can now deprive anyone of their rights," said Khattar while addressing a gathering during a programme held at his residence here.
An official release quoting Khattar said the state government is working for the welfare of all and formulating policies to ensure that every section of the state lives a prosperous life. "The state government is working for the upliftment of those at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid, in line with the 'Antyodaya' philosophy," he said.
An 'Antyodaya Sammelan' will be organised in Karnal on November 2 and Union Home Minister Amit Shah will be the chief guest, said Khattar. Beneficiaries of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, pension scheme, and others will be invited to this Sammelan, said the CM. Khattar also said 'Jan Samvad' programmes are being conducted across the state to ensure prompt resolution of people's issues and complaints.