Chandigarh: After the first case of the Delta Plus variant was reported in Faridabad, Haryana Home and Health Minister Anil Vij on Saturday said that the state government is fully prepared for it. While speaking to the media Vij said, "The government is prepared. We have given orders that 100 per cent of the contacts of the person be tested and genome sequencing be done."According to the sources, India has over 50 cases of Delta Plus variant, with multiple cases detected in three States - Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra. It has been also traced in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan
Although there is no data as of now which shows that the Delta Plus variant of COVID-19 is spreading faster than Delta but the former should also be treated as a "variant of concern", said Dr Raman R Gangakhedkar, former Head Scientist of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases, ICMR on Saturday. The Union Health Ministry has warned States that the Delta Plus variant, which is currently a "variant of concern", has increased transmissibility, causes stronger binding to receptors of lung cells and has the potential of reducing monoclonal antibody response.