Chandigarh:The Haryana government on Sunday extended the lockdown clamped in the state to curb the spread of the coronavirus by another week till July 12, while allowing some examinations to be held. According to the order issued by Chief Secretary Vijai Vardhan in exercise of powers under the provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the Mahamari Alert-Surakshit Haryana is extended for another week, that is from July 5 (5 am onwards) to July 12 (till 5 am) in the state of Haryana..
The state government has termed the covid-induced lockdown as "Mahamari Alert-Surakshit Haryana (Epidemic Alert-Safe Haryana)". The Institute of Chartered Accountants is allowed to hold Chartered Accountant Examinations from July 5-20, the order said. While conducting the exams, guidelines for examination centres, examination functionaries and candidates for July 2021 CA examination in wake of the ongoing Covid pandemic, released by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India along with SOPs issued by the Centre from time to time regarding preventive measures to be followed to contain Covid will have to be followed strictly, according to the orders.
The orders further said that it has also been decided to allow the Common Entrance Exam (CEE) to be held at Hisar by the Army Recruiting Office, Military Station Hisar, subject to strict observance of social distancing norms, sanitisation and Covid appropriate behavioural norms. The relaxations, with respect to opening of shops, malls, restaurants, religious places, corporate offices, gatherings in weddings, funerals, and open spaces will continue as currently in place. According to earlier relaxations, all shops are allowed to open from 9 am to 8 pm, malls are allowed to open from 10 am to 8 pm, restaurants and bars, including those in hotels and malls, are allowed to open from 10 am to 10 pm with 50 per cent seating capacity.