Fatehabad (Haryana): A spine-chilling incident unfolded at Battu Kala village in Fatehabad district, shaking Dooni Ram Suthar from his peaceful slumber into a terrifying reality. Little did he know that nestled beneath his blanket as he slept was an uninvited and dangerous guest, a venomous cobra.
The unimaginable occurrence took place when Dhooni Ram retired for the night, unaware of the cobra's presence in his bed. Throughout the night, the serpent quickly moved beneath the blanket, occasionally hissing, though mistaken by Ram for the harmless sounds of a cat. Dooni Ram slept soundly, oblivious to the danger that was only a few inches away.
Dawn revealed the chilling truth as he awoke to find the deadly serpent coiled beneath the blanket on his bed. He was filled with shock and panic and let his family know right away. The people quickly called for snake catcher Pawan's assistance, and he showed up on time and caught the cobra. Despite the tension and risk, Pawan adeptly captured the cobra. He later released the snake back into the forest. Fortunately, Dooni Ram's close encounter with the cobra ended without harm, as luck would have it, sparing him from a potentially fatal bite.