Ambala/Raipur: Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij has slammed Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel for making a veiled attack on the BJP leaders by allegedly saying that colors can't decide religion and caste of people. Anil Vij has described CM Baghel as a 'demon' since the latter sees fault in saffron color despite it being the colour of sunrise and its prominent place on top in the national tricolour.
The Haryana Minister said, "If we study the history of culture of India, there have been gods as well as demons in every era. The chief minister of Chhattisgarh is a demon of today's era as he sees a fault in the saffron colour. Saffron is the color of dawn as well as dusk. Saffron colour is at the top of our national flag. If he is seeing any fault in it, he should immediately resign from the post for which he took oath in front of the tricolor.”