Karnal (Haryana): Convicted in the rape and murder of two female followers, Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim organised a virtual 'Satsang' on Wednesday, which was attended by many BJP leaders, including Mayor Renu Bala Gupta. Along with Renu, BJP District President Yogendra Rana, Deputy Mayor Naveen Kumar and Deputy Mayor Rajesh, also attended this virtual Satsang.
Ram Rahim, who is serving a jail term after being convicted in rape and murder cases was released from Sunaria jail on 40-day parole. The Dera chief's family had submitted an application to the jail authorities seeking month-long parole for him. The opposition demanded a justification from the Bharatiya Janata Party over its leader's participation in the Satsang. Meanwhile, Karnal mayor Renu Bala Gupta, deputy mayor Naveen Kumar and deputy mayor Rajesh Aggi are trying to defend their participation in the event.
The Deputy Mayor said, "I was invited to the Satsang by the 'Sadh Sangat'. Online Satsang was conducted from Uttar Pradesh. Many people in my ward are associated with Baba. We reached the programme from a social connection and it has nothing to do with the BJP and the upcoming bypoll." Notably, the Adampur bypoll in Haryana is scheduled to be held on November 3. Besides, the state is also scheduled to hold panchayat polls soon.