Mahendragarh (Haryana):A medical student, Anju, created a record in Khudana village in Mahendragarh by becoming the youngest Sarpanch in the district. The villagers have elected the medico though she is just 21 years, one month, and 18 days old. Her has family has no political background and Anju is the first in her family to enter into politics.
By preferring educated girls as Sarpanches in different villages in the district, the residents are bidding adieu to the patriarchal way of thinking prevailing in our society for long. Anju's father, Dr. Narsi is a doctor and has expressed his happiness over his daughter being made a Sarpanch of the village. Out of 343, 166 women became Sarpanches in the district proving that along with other fields, women are showing their caliber in the traditionally male dominated politics.