Rewari (Haryana): Recently released web series on the OTT platform Disney Hot Star titled '1962: The War in the Hills' has become very popular among the youth. The story is based on Ahir soldiers of Rewari district of Haryana, who sacrificed everything to defeat the enemy till their last bullet and last breath.
In this war, 124 Ahir soldiers of the 'C Company' belonging to the Kumaon Regiment had neutralised 1300 Chinese soldiers, while only 17 of our soldiers were able to survive the war. Nihal Singh Yadav, a resident of Chimnavas village in Rewari, recollects those tense moments as he was one among those soldiers who fought the war and returned to the Rezangla post.
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Nihal Singh Yadav narrated all those stories related to the India-China war of 1962. He spoke about how the 13 Kumaon Charlie Company had fought an unprecedented battle of valour till their last breath at low temperatures of minus 40 degrees centigrade, at an altitude of 16 thousand feet.