Panaji: The Goa Police have arrested two women and their male accomplice, all from Gujarat, for allegedly filing a false rape complaint here to extort money from a man, an official said. During the investigation, it came to light that the three accused were involved in filing multiple rape complaints in Goa and Gujarat against different persons, Superintendent of Police (North) Nidhin Valsan told reporters on Monday.
A man from Gujarat in his police complaint alleged that 'both the women developed friendship with him with an intention to threaten him and get a fake case filed against him for the purpose of extortion', the man said. Following his complaint, "Goa's Calangute police on Monday arrested the two women and their male accomplice, all from Bhavnagar in Gujarat", the official said.
Also read:Girl gangraped by three men in moving SUV in Bihar's Samastipur; accused arrested