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This village has over 2000 people but not a single cell tower

Khoba village in Gujarat has 2000 people, but no mobile service. There is not a single mobile tower in the region. People have to walk a distance of 8 km for making a phone call. The villagers have urged the administration to set up a mobile tower in the area.

Valsad: The village with over 2000 people and not a single mobile tower


Published : Jul 21, 2019, 10:40 PM IST

Valsad:Even in today's era, a village in Gujarat's Valsad region has no mobile towers, which means no internet for its people.

In Khoba village in Gujarat's Dharampur taluka, people have to walk a distance of 8 km to make a single phone call. There is no facility in the village to make an emergency call to hospitals or to the police in case of emergencies.

The Khoba village with over 2000 people and not a single mobile tower.

In a village with a population of over 2000, there is not a single mobile tower. Not just the lack of Mobile services, this village is also devoid of good roads and proper electricity.

Today, when schools deliver e-learning classes and promote digital education, the students in this village are living in an entirely different era.

The villagers have mobile phones but the absence of even a single mobile tower in the region, makes them useless.

The locals are urging the administration to set up at least one private company mobile tower in the area. This would help not only their village, but also the surrounding 20 villages, who suffer with the same problem.

It is the need of the hour for these people, so that they could establish a connection with the rest of the world, or at least with the emergency services everyone deserves.

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