Ahmedabad: Police on Thursday claimed to have arrested two youths for allegedly kidnapping a man and demanding Rs 20,000 as ransom from the family in Gujarat's Ahmedabad. The arrested accused have been identified as Arif alias Bhuro Ghanchi and Bilal alias Arbaaz Shaikh. A police spokesman said that the arrested accused duo kidnapped Arjun Balai, who had come by rickshaw from Rajasthan, from Sarkhej area and demanded a ransom of Rs 20,000 from his family.
The accused, police said, asked the family to pay them the ransom online on Paytm. The family refused to give the cash and informed the police control room about the kidnapping. Following the complaint by the family of the victim, different police teams were set up to trace the kidnapped man. The police have succeeded to free the victim while the extortionists have also been arrested by the police.