Vadnagar (Gujarat): On the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 72nd birthday, his childhood friend Shamalbhai Modi recalled his friendship with Narendra Modi. Talking to ETV Bharat, he said, "Born in an odinary Hindu family in Gujarat, Narendra Modi was very intelligent and active." He said that the PM was very fond of kite flying and swimming. Their group of 15 boys used to go to Sharmishtha lake for a dip in the evening. He further stated that PM Modi was a brave kid in his childhood and did what he decided to do.
PM Modi's friend Shamalbai Modi likens their friendship to 'Krishna and Sudama'
PM Modi's childhood friend Shamalbhai Modi said that the PM was very fond of kite flying and swimming. Their group of 15 boys used to go to Sharmishtha lake for a dip in the evening. He further stated that PM Modi was a brave kid in his childhood and did what he decided to do.
Also read:President Murmu extends birthday greetings to PM Modi
Shamalbhai said that his mother passed away at a very young age after which he spend most of his time at Narendra Modi's house. They went to school together. He said that PM Modi was a spiritual personality, who was always engaged in devotion. He considers his friendship as that of 'Krishna and Sudama.' He said he writes letters to the PM wishing him long life, strength and success on his birthday.