Dahod: Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the tribal convention in Dahod. In this event, he laid the foundation stone and inaugurated more than Rs 21,000 crore worth of development works. According to PM, Dahod would now offer a boost to Make in India with a plant worth Rs 20,000 crore to be built in Dahod.
PM Modi was in Gujarat on a three-day visit. In the presence of Prime Minister Modi, a tribal convention was conducted in Dahod. In addition to PM, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and State President CR Patil were in attendance. PM Modi unveiled a number of projects in this program and laid the foundation stone and inaugurated development activities worth over Rs 21,000 crore.
My specialty was working with indigenous brothers -PM Modi stated during his speech at the inauguration that Dahod will now play a major part in Make in India as well. "We have an ancient saying that where we live has a major influence on us," PM Modi added. He went on to say that throughout the early years of his public life, he worked in the tribal brothers' territory from Umargam to Ambaji. I learned to live among the tribes, to learn from them, and to understand them. I can confidently state that the lives of tribal brothers and sisters in any Indian tribal location are as pure as water.
Don't pass up the opportunity to return the debt - The Prime Minister added in his speech that the Government of India and the Government of Gujarat, the Government of Double Engine, are working together to overcome the little issues our tribal brothers and sisters are facing today. He went on to say that a big number of you attended the presentation and blessed it. I'm the man of the house, and I grew up with you. I've moved on after learning a lot from you. You owe me a lot of money, which is why I never pass up an opportunity to pay off your debt.
Dahod will be transformed into a smart city - PM Modi said today that more than Rs 22,000 crore worth of initiatives relating to the development of Dahod and Panchmahal were launched and foundation stones were laid. Drinking water schemes are also included in these projects. The second initiative is aimed at transforming Dahod into a smart city. The mothers and sisters of Dahod's hundreds of villages will benefit from this water project.
The factory will cost Rs 20,000 crore to build -At the same time, Prime Minister Modi stated that Dahod will now be a key Make in India centre. There was a workshop for steam locomotives during the age of slavery, and now it will accelerate Make in India. A plant worth Rs 20,000 crore will be built in Dahod. With Make in India, India has become one of the few countries in the world that can develop 9000 horsepower engines.
Thousands of people will be employed as a result of it -PM Modi stated that India's railways are being rapidly electrified today. It is evolving into something more contemporary. For freight trains, separate routes are being built. Electric engine demand is fast increasing in other parts of the world, and Dahod will play a key role in supplying it. Thousands of people will be employed as a result of the construction of this new facility.
The people of Chhewada are benefiting from Prime Minister Modi's leadership - In his presentation, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel stated that the Dahod district is renowned as Gujarat's East Gate. The first rays of the sun enter Dahod every morning and radiate over Gujarat. The gift of development works received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saheb today will shine brightly in the tribal area. The Chief Minister stated that more than Rs 21,000 crore in development works will be received in a single day. The poor, the disadvantaged, the victims, the mariners, at the end people of the village are receiving the fruits of progress under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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