Ahmedabad: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has filed a review petition in the High Court against the Gujarat High Court's decision in a case pertaining to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's degree. The case was heard in the High Court.
"Rejoinder has been filed on our behalf in the court today. In the case filed in the year 2016, the court was told that the degree of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is available on the website of the university. Information is available on YouTube channel regarding the issue. A transcript has been prepared. And that too has been placed before the court. The next hearing of the matter has been fixed on Friday, July 21," Om Kotwal, Arvind Kejriwal's lawyer, said.
Also read: PM Modi degree case: Arvind Kejriwal files review petition on Gujarat High Court's decision
In 2016, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal filed the case at Gujarat High Court. On March 31, 2023, the Gujarat High Court gave a stay on this case of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's degree and asked the complainant not to show the degree and imposed a fine of 25,000 on Arvind Kejriwal.
Arvind Kejriwal has filed a review petition against this decision given by the High Court. In the review petition, it was said that the observation made by the High Court in the order is complete and needs to be reviewed. Gujarat University said that the Prime Minister's degree is on the university's website. In this case, a notice has been issued to the parties including High Court, Gujarat University and Chief Information Commissioner.