Rajkot (Gujarat):In a shocking incident stones were pelted at Vande Bharat Express in which Minster of State for Home Harsh Sanghvi was travelling to Ahmedabad from Rajkot on Thursday. The attack resulted in the breaking of the train's glass windows, the Railway police launched a probe into the incident. The incident took place near Bileshwar station in Rajkot at 10 pm. However, there were no reports of casualties or injuries.
Speaking to the media, Rajkot Railway Division Security Officer Pawan Kumar Srivastava said, "Only four km from Rajkot, the Vande Bharat Express was attacked by miscreants, who threw stones at it, however, no damage was done." He further stated, "There is a slight crack in the window of the C4-C5 coach of the train. Luckily, no major accident occurred After this incident, we immediately sent a team to the spot. No major clue has been found yet but we are investigating the matter".