Ahmedabad (Gujarat): The police nabbed a woman along with her paramour and sister on Sunday for killing her husband at Nikol area here. The deceased has been identified as one Mayur. The victim's father, Mahesh, suspected his daughter-in-law after his son went missing. He lodged a complaint against Meera, the wife of the deceased, sources said. During the investigation, the police recovered Mayur's dead body from a well.
Mahesh told the police that his son had a suspicion about his wife having an extra-marital affair with one Anas alias Lalo Mansuri. During the interrogation, Meera confessed that his sister, Khushi and Anas, had conspired to kill Mayur. They called him to an empty field, attacked his neck with a sharp weapon and then dumped his body in a deserted well there.
Meera told everyone that Mayur had gone out of the station. As he did not return for a long time, his father tried to reach him over the phone. When there was no answer, Mahesh suspected and lodged a complaint. A police official said that a case has been registered under relevant sections of law.