Ahmedabad: A case of triple talaq was once again reported from Gujarat's Ahmedabad city. The victim had sought help from the police. The victim's husband threw her out of the house after their four years of marriage. The Vejalpur police after registering the case took up investigation. The 27-year-old complainant is a resident of Juhapura. A complaint was lodged at Vejalpur police station in Ahmedabad. The couple's Nikah took place on March 23, 2019. She has a son and the victim's husband is a rickshaw puller.
The victim was staying at her in-law's house, along with her husband's other relatives. After six months of their marriage, the victim's relationship with her husband turned sour. The husband stopped giving household expenses to her. Whenever the woman asked for money, the husband used to vent his ire at her and subsequently, a quarrel used to break out.