Rajkot (Gujarat): The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of Gujarat seized over 30 kg of heroin worth over Rs 200 crore from the Rajkot district and arrested a Nigerian national from Delhi for alleged smuggling, an official said Friday. According to official sources, the heroin was found abandoned by the ATS near Khanderi Stadium located on Jamnagar Road in Rajkot. The arrested accused was presented in the court on Friday and the ATS has obtained custody of the accused for 12 days.
According to sources, this drug consignment was smuggled into Gujarat from Pakistan through a sea route and it was to be sent to Delhi via Rajkot. Speaking with the media, Sanjay Vora, the Public prosecutor said the accused Ekwunife Marcy received the drug consignment from Pakistan sent by a man named Anwar via the sea route.
The ATS received information that Anwar had sent the drug consignment to Gujarat and once the consignment reached Gujarat Port, a man named Jafri was to receive it and send it to another man named Bablu. Bablu was supposed to collect heroin kept in three different parcels of 10 kg each lying in a check dam behind the Khanderi Stadium.