Junagadh (Gujarat):A woman police sub-inspector (PSI) in Junagarh was suspended for allegedly gambling at a farm house, police officials said. The accused, a sub-inspector in the security department in Somnath Temple was caught red-handed during a raid conducted by a team of Junagarh Police over a week ago.
On August 3, police got information that gambling was rampant in a farm house in Padariya village. Based on the tip-off, the local crime branch of Junagadh launched a raid at the farm house and nabbed 10 people from the spot. Of which, eight were men and two women. During investigation it was revealed that one of the two women is a PSI working in the security department in Somnath Temple for the last two years.
The police chief suspended the accused with immediate effect. Also, police officials are contemplating to take strict action against her to prevent such incidents in the future.