Kutch (Gujarat):The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has seized electronic gadgets, e-cigarettes, branded shoes, and branded watches worth Rs 80 crore from Gujarat's Mundra port, on Monday. The goods being smuggled were mis-declared as garment accessories and women's footwear worth Rs 1.5 crore.
Source said the DRI officials at Mundra Port received information about banned goods including e-cigarettes were being imported from China concealed as garment accessories and ladies' footwear after which, six suspicious containers were identified and examined by the officials at the port.
The containers were found to have 33,138 earphones and batteries for mobile phones, 4,800 e-cigarettes, 7.11 lakh pieces of electronic goods and accessories, 29,077 branded bags, shoes and cosmetics, 53,385 branded watches, and 58,927 pieces of automobile parts.
Also read:Over 830 kg gold seized in India in a year; major chunk smuggled from this small country