Ahmedabad:Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Gujarat on September 27 to launch projects worth Rs 4,500 crore related to the education sector and address a public gathering at Bodeli town in tribal-dominated Chhotaudepur district, officials said on Friday. Before addressing a gathering in Bodeli, the PM will inaugurate or lay foundation stones for various projects under the state government's 'Mission Schools of Excellence' initiative, said Vinod Rao, secretary, primary and secondary education.
The 'Mission Schools of Excellence' was launched by the PM at an event in Adalaj in October last year with the aim of improving the quality of education in the state through upgrading of school infrastructure, building of new and smart classrooms as well as computer labs. "Under the Mission Schools of Excellence, the PM will either inaugurate or lay the foundation for various projects worth Rs 4,500 crore at Bodeli on September 27. These projects include new classrooms, smart classrooms and computer labs coming up across the state," Rao told PTI.