Gandhinagar (Gujarat):Gujarat DGP Shivanand Jha on Tuesday issued a code of conduct for police personnel regarding their use of social media platforms. The intention behind the order is to restrict police personnel posting anything against the government or the police force or any criticism of either.
Jha issued the code of conduct under the provisions of clause 3 (1) of the Police Force (restrictions of rights) Act, 1966, which restricts police personnel's freedom of speech granted under article 19 of the Constitution. The order states that it should be implemented so that the police personnel do not post anything which violates the restrictions and force under the law.
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Moreover, the police personnel should ensure that while posting anything on such platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or YouTube, or forwarding and re-tweeting, the posts do not violate the rules and laws framed under the provisions of the Official Secrets Act, Information Technology Act, 2000 and also the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008.